DefTree API


class deftree.Element(name: Union[bytes, str])

Element class. This class defines the Element interface

add_attribute(name: Union[bytes, str], value: Union[bytes, str, float, int, bool]) → Union[deftree.DefTreeBool, deftree.DefTreeEnum, deftree.DefTreeFloat, deftree.DefTreeInt, deftree.DefTreeString]

Creates an Attribute instance with name and value as a child to self.

add_element(name: Union[bytes, str]) → deftree.Element

Creates an Element instance with name as a child to self.

append(item: Union[Element, Attribute])

Inserts the item at the end of this element’s internal list of children. Raises TypeError if item is not a Element or Attribute

attributes([name, value])

Iterates over the current element and returns all attributes. Only Attributes. Name and value are optional and used for filters.


Resets an element. This function removes all children, clears all attributes

copy() → deftree.Element

Returns a deep copy of the current Element.


Iterates over the current element and returns all elements. If the optional argument name is not None only Element with a name equal to name is returned.

get_attribute(name[, value])

Returns the first Attribute instance whose name matches name and if value is not None whose value equal value. If no matching attribute is found it returns None.

get_element(name: Union[bytes, str]) → deftree.Element

Returns the first Element whose name matches name, if none is found returns None.

get_parent() → deftree.Element

Returns the parent of the current Element

index(item: Union[Element, Attribute]) → int

Returns the index of the item in this element, raises ValueError if not found.

insert(index: int, item: Union[Element, Attribute])

Inserts the item at the given position in this element. Raises TypeError if item is not a Element or Attribute

iter() → Iterator[Union[Element, Attribute]]

Creates a tree iterator with the current element as the root. The iterator iterates over this element and all elements below it in document (depth first) order. Both Element and Attribute are returned from the iterator.


Creates a tree iterator with the current element as the root. The iterator iterates over this element and all elements below it, in document (depth first) order. If the optional argument name is not None only Attribute with a name equal to name is returned.


Creates a tree iterator with the current element as the root. The iterator iterates over this element and all elements below it, in document (depth first) order. If the optional argument name is not None only Element with a name equal to name is returned.

remove(child: Union[Element, Attribute])

Removes child from the element. Compares on instance identity not name. Raises TypeError if child is not a Element or Attribute

set_attribute(name: Union[bytes, str], value: Union[bytes, str, float, int, bool])

Sets the first Attribute with name to value.


class deftree.Attribute(parent: deftree.Element, name: Union[bytes, str], value)

Attribute class. This class defines the Attribute interface.

get_parent() → deftree.Element

Returns the parent element of the attribute.


The name of the attribute, used to set and get the name


The value of the attribute, used to set and get the attributes value


class deftree.DefTree

DefTree class. This class represents an entire element hierarchy.


Writes the the DefTree structure to sys.stdout. This function should be used for debugging only.

from_string(text[, parser])

Parses a Defold document section from a string constant which it returns. parser is an optional parser instance. If not given the standard parser is used. Returns the root of DefTree.

get_document_path() → str

Returns the path to the parsed document.

get_root() → deftree.Element

Returns the root Element

parse(source[, parser])

Parses a Defold document into a DefTree which it returns. source is a file_path. parser is an optional parser instance. If not given the standard parser is used.


Writes the element tree to a file, as plain text. uses the parsed file as a default


deftree.parse(source: Union[bytes, str]) → deftree.DefTree

Parses a Defold document into a DefTree which it returns. source is a file_path. parser is an optional parser instance. If not given the standard parser is used.

deftree.from_string(text[, parser])

Parses a Defold document section from a string constant which it returns. parser is an optional parser instance. If not given the standard parser is used. Returns the root of DefTree.

deftree.is_element(item: deftree.Element) → bool

Returns True if the item is an Element else returns False

deftree.is_attribute(item: deftree.Attribute) → bool

Returns True if the item is an Attribute else returns False

deftree.to_string(element[, parser])

Generates a string representation of the Element, including all children. element is a Element instance.

deftree.dump(element[, parser])

Writes the element tree or element structure to sys.stdout. This function should be used for debugging only. element is either an DefTree, or Element.

deftree.validate(string, path_or_string[, verbose])

Verifies that a document in string format equals a document in path_or_string. If Verbose is True it echoes the result. This function should be used for debugging only. Returns a bool representing the result